University of Arizona: Master's of Science in Atmospheric Sciences
Physical Meteorology (6 cr. hrs.)
Covered concepts of atmospheric composition and chemistry, kinetic theory, the mechanics of ideal and real fluids, aerosol mechanics, atmospheric acoustics, atmospheric radiation, scattering, radiative transfer, atmospheric optics, cloud physics, and atmospheric electricity.
Dynamic Meteorology (6 cr. hrs.)
- Dynamics and thermodynamics of various atmospheric phenomena associated with the weather and climate.
Weather Analysis and Forecasting (3 cr. hrs.)
- Overview of forecasting techniques and fundamental atmospheric processes involved in the day-to-day behavior of synoptic scale and mesoscale mid-latitude weather.
Atmospheric Electricity (3 cr. hrs.)
- Introduction to sources and chemistry of atmospheric ions, fair weather electricity, the global circuit, electrical structure of clouds, thunderstorm electrification, lightning, lightning electromagnetic fields, mechanisms of lightning damage and lightning protection.
Related Courses
Hydroclimatology (3 cr. hrs.)
- Introduction to precipitation formation processes, the surface and atmospheric branch of the hydrologic cycle, land surface-atmosphere interaction, surface energy balance, evapotranspiration, heat and moisture fluxes into the soil and atmospheric boundary layer.
Global Change (3 cr. hrs.)
- Interdisciplinary introduction to the principles of climate, ecosystems, and biogeochemistry needed to understand human impacts on the natural environment.